Welcome to the Warrior Journey’s
Activate Center

You in Action

The inner and outer work of transformation can take on many forms. But no matter what the transformation you’re going through right now looks like, you can count on this:

Everyone needs encouragement and guidance to avoid stalling.

Welcome that support and open yourself to the motivation that comes through community as you step into the activate process.

“If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

– Gospel of Thomas

Key Activate Starter Questions

What is my next right move?

How do I keep moving forward on my path?

How do I expand my footprint and support others?

Jeanie Recommends:
Activate Resources

When Jeanie’s in activation mode, she makes a point of examining the various dimensions of her warrior within. Here are her go-to places for that type of exploration:

Warrior Wisdom Blog

From Calling to Creation

This post is essential reading for anyone who is ready to take action.

Tap Into Jeanie’s Experience

Whether it’s working with Jeanie as your coach, inviting her to speak at your event or leveraging her talent as an interviewer, she can help you and/or your group learn how to expand your footprint and capabilities as a leader and an influencer. Reach out to Jeanie anytime to discuss the possibilities.

Warriors at Work Episodes

I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing many individuals offering guidance for expansion and I’m thrilled to make space for these life-changing conversations. Here are three must-listen expand-focused episodes:

The Warrior Journey: Activating What is Within

How to Regulate Yourself in Uncertainty, Rose La Piere

What is Presence and Why Does It Matter, Amy Gonzales

Take Back Your Health Part 1, Dr Emily Rowe

Take Back Your Health Part 2, Dr Emily Rowe

What is Presence and Why Does It Matter?

Subscribe on iTunes and get a new Warriors at Work podcast every week!

What Happens After Activate?


The completion of any inquiry-expand-activate process is a time to reflect on your Warrior Journey as a whole, express gratitude for those who helped you along the way and celebrate what you’ve achieved.

Here’s a poem I like to read at the end of each Warrior Journey I take. It’s my way of honoring the process – and locking in what made my personal growth possible:

Dark Mother Kali Ma,

Thank you for rocking me and my foundations, when my soul cried for a way out.

Thank you for stubbornly burning down the tower when I did not choose to walk out myself.

Thank you for continuing to rip away all of the layers of protection so I have no choice but stand naked as I am.

Thank you for sending in wave after wave so that I know with conviction I can ride whatever comes my way.

Thank you for serving up those who did not see me so that I was forced to see myself.

Thank you for inviting in the haters so that I could learn to love myself.

Thank you for sending those who would never understand me so that I was forced to know and trust myself.

Thank you for delivering ones who overlook me so I can see how much I have to share.

Thank you for continuing to catch me off guard so I can see all of the ways I attempt to protect myself from life.

Thank you for loving so ferociously no matter how much I screamed and kicked.

Thank you for your relentless compassion and for doing it all while never expecting thank you in return.

Who is Kali Ma? Kali Ma is the Hindu goddess of time, creation, preservation and destruction. She is known as the Divine Mother, the Dark Mother, the Terrible Mother. As “dark” as she may appear, she is the most compassionate goddess of them all.

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